You don’t have to know what you want (not in the way you think you do)

For many of my clients and students, they get stuck not with HOW to move forward, but with knowing WHAT THEY WANT in the first place.

Think of knowing what you want as an exercise practice, like going for a jog or taking a yoga class.

You don’t have to nail everything perfectly, and you don’t have to do it once and for all.

You don’t have to figure out the rest of your life in this moment, just like you don’t have to go for the jog to end all jogs, or the yoga pose to end all yoga poses.

That’s a recipe for injury!

You’re just doing today’s exercise, and you get to have a totally different experience tomorrow.

So for today, ask yourself:

What do I want?

Notice feelings of vulnerability or fear that come up, and keep brainstorming.

Ask yourself: What do I want, even if it’s frivolous, or scary, or extravagant, or unlike me?

Ask yourself, what do I want? Even if I don’t think I can have it? Even if it’s contradictory?

You might think, “I want hot chocolate! I want to end climate change! I want to get a new job! I want to earn more money! I want to see my nephews! I want a new paint color in my bedroom! I want this pandemic to be over!”

Welcome it all.

Let yourself have a messy response. Let yourself half-know, or fully-know, or not know for now. Then move on.

Growth comes from holding ALL of it with gentleness, and warmth. The scared parts of you and the parts of you that want those things.

Can you start by just asking yourself the questions, and letting yourself hear the answers?

With love,

Picture of Amanda Blaine

Amanda Blaine

Amanda Blaine supports leaders of organizations to run their business or team in a way that matches the growth they've experienced in their personal life.
Picture of Amanda Blaine

Amanda Blaine

Amanda Blaine supports leaders of organizations to run their business or team in a way that matches the growth they've experienced in their personal life.

Let me give you a taste of what’s possible.

Is Your Business Partner Driving You Crazy?

(which can also apply to anyone you work with)

Not sure if this is the right place for you?
Check out if any of these situations sound familiar.

Not sure if this is the
right place for you?
Check out if any of these situations sound familiar.

Let me give you a taste of what’s possible.

Is Your Business Partner Driving You Crazy?

3 Tips to Try Now

(which can also apply to anyone you work with)