3 Practices for More Effective Collaboration

Hi friend,

We had such a positive response to Duet’s free webinar, 3 simple practices to work faster and more effectively with your team (without compromising on Compassionate Communication), that we’re doing it again next week.

Here’s what Tara, Instructional Designer at University of New England, said:

“Thank you for leading this webinar! I liked the opportunity for small group work and the simple take-home tips for more effective group decision making.”

It’s Thurs, Feb. 7 at noon Pacfiic.

If you missed the first one, or want to take it a second time, join us! 

(Keep reading to get the full story  of how I found this powerful collaboration system.)

“If everyone knew Nonviolent Communication, we’d get a lot more done around here!” 

It was such a deep conviction that I quit my coveted and stable job and walked away from a loving and robust community in search of a work environment where I could experience NVC bliss.

Do you think I found it?


I never found an NVC-run work environment that fit my dream.

Even when everyone was practicing NVC, there were many of the same operational problems I had encountered in previous organizations.

If, like me, you get frustrated with:

– long meetings where not much gets done
– endless discussions to try to get consensus
– powerholders who make decisions without really getting what’s needed

Then you might find this FREE webinar a breath of fresh air:

3 simple practices to work faster and more effectively with your team (without compromising on Compassionate Communication),

Even though I didn’t find what I was looking for inside of NVC, after a bit more digging, I did find it, in the back of a Seattle coffee shop!

Two presenters from a start-up called Duet led a group of us through a simulation that had me popping out of my seat with excitement.

Read about the simulation, and check out my free webinar where you can experience the magic too.

I found their system, Dynamic Collaboration, so effective that earlier this year I joined Duet as the third partner.

And now I’m delighted to share it with you, because I’m on a mission to support change agents in doing the world-changing work they’re called to do.

I think NVC is a powerful tool for that.

But I don’t want you to waste time, like I did, trying to make NVC do the operational work that it’s not suited for.

It’s like trying to get your bike to carry you across a river. It’s an amazing tool and can get you to the banks, but it’s not designed to cross the current, and you’ll get frustrated and tired, and probably even injured, if you try to use it for that.

And if you’d like to learn some practices from this way of working, join me for a free webinar, 3 simple practices to work faster and more effectively with your team (without compromising on Compassionate Communication), on Thurs, Feb. 7. Sign up here.

Want to learn more about Dynamic Collaboration? Check out my full post here on Duet’s website.

Do all compassionate collaborations need to move really slow to be effective?

Your energy and effort is precious… may you have the collaboration resources you need to turn them into powerful action!

Picture of Amanda Blaine

Amanda Blaine

Amanda Blaine supports leaders of organizations to run their business or team in a way that matches the growth they've experienced in their personal life.
Picture of Amanda Blaine

Amanda Blaine

Amanda Blaine supports leaders of organizations to run their business or team in a way that matches the growth they've experienced in their personal life.

Let me give you a taste of what’s possible.

Is Your Business Partner Driving You Crazy?

(which can also apply to anyone you work with)

Not sure if this is the right place for you?
Check out if any of these situations sound familiar.

Not sure if this is the
right place for you?
Check out if any of these situations sound familiar.

Let me give you a taste of what’s possible.

Is Your Business Partner Driving You Crazy?

3 Tips to Try Now

(which can also apply to anyone you work with)