This equation changed the holidays for me

Our brains are not ours alone.

What our parents and family members say to us when we’re small directly affects how our brains grow.

That’s why, this time of year, many of us start to feel dread about going back into the family systems in which our deepest relational patterns formed.

In other words, we can turn into someone we don’t like.

I want to offer you a simple formula I learned years ago from Miki Kashtan:

Challenge + resources = transformation

You can’t change how your family is or what any of your relatives do or don’t do.

But, you can bring more resource to your own experience. The holidays can be a time of transformation rather than stagnation.

You can use the opportunity when these old relational patterns are active to deepen even further into your own purpose, to become strengthened in the difference you want to make in the world.

Where do you find the resources?

That’s the question we’ll be helping you answer in a free webinar next week, “Getting the Support You Need to Survive the Holidays.”

From a participant last year:

“When I took this class I realized, ‘OH! I’m actually not helpless. I DON’T have to revert to old childhood habits of unfulfilling self-care. I can have agency and power in creating my OWN structures when I’m at my family’s house. I don’t have to revert to my family’s culture, even though I am in their house. I can bring my own culture with me.’”

About the facilitators:

“I have deeply appreciated how you collaborate and work together and support each other in facilitation. It speaks volumes to me about how to radically and wholly share space and power with each other.”

Even if you can’t make it live, sign up to access the recording. It’s an hour that can go a long way if this is usually a challenging time of year for you!

And if you want one-on-one support for transformation, email me to find out about a free consult. It’s useful on its own and you can see if working with me is a match for you.

Wishing you all the resources you need this year-end,

P.S. I’m co-teaching “Getting the Support You Need to Thrive in 2020” 8 Week Undoing Domination Communication course starting in mid-January. Stay tuned!


Picture of Amanda Blaine

Amanda Blaine

Amanda Blaine supports leaders of organizations to run their business or team in a way that matches the growth they've experienced in their personal life.
Picture of Amanda Blaine

Amanda Blaine

Amanda Blaine supports leaders of organizations to run their business or team in a way that matches the growth they've experienced in their personal life.

Let me give you a taste of what’s possible.

Is Your Business Partner Driving You Crazy?

(which can also apply to anyone you work with)

Not sure if this is the right place for you?
Check out if any of these situations sound familiar.

Not sure if this is the
right place for you?
Check out if any of these situations sound familiar.

Let me give you a taste of what’s possible.

Is Your Business Partner Driving You Crazy?

3 Tips to Try Now

(which can also apply to anyone you work with)