Thinking of quitting?

“I want to leave my job to do something more meaningful, but I’m scared to make the change.”

Are you feeling drawn to some big life change too?

For many of my coaching clients, the pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement have brought into focus what matters most.

But contemplating a big change can be overwhelming.

One young person I supported recently was going around in circles. How could she just leave her job, especially during the pandemic?

I suggested she work in short cycles and incremental steps.

In the new reality we’re in, we can’t reliably plan beyond two weeks.

That doesn’t mean you have to despair about having long term goals. It means you shift your attention to the next immediate steps you can take to move towards your longings.

It means doing one very next experiment, and then looking up and seeing what’s true now.

You’ll see what’s needed next once you’ve done that step, and you won’t waste time planning for a reality that doesn’t exist.

For example, you might experiment with taking a vacation day and just letting yourself daydream or journal about what seems fun and meaningful to you.

Or you might schedule a phone call with a friend to prepare to talk to your boss about letting go of a project that’s draining you.

Instead of pushing yourself off a cliff and giving your notice right now, what one next step feels fun and manageable to you?

What’s the shortest cycle you can try that leads you in the direction your heart is calling you?

Remember that you’re in a situation you’ve never been in before. None of us have. Be gentle with yourself.

With love,

Picture of Amanda Blaine

Amanda Blaine

Amanda Blaine supports leaders of organizations to run their business or team in a way that matches the growth they've experienced in their personal life.
Picture of Amanda Blaine

Amanda Blaine

Amanda Blaine supports leaders of organizations to run their business or team in a way that matches the growth they've experienced in their personal life.

Let me give you a taste of what’s possible.

Is Your Business Partner Driving You Crazy?

(which can also apply to anyone you work with)

Not sure if this is the right place for you?
Check out if any of these situations sound familiar.

Not sure if this is the
right place for you?
Check out if any of these situations sound familiar.

Let me give you a taste of what’s possible.

Is Your Business Partner Driving You Crazy?

3 Tips to Try Now

(which can also apply to anyone you work with)