Who are you missing? Who do you wish you could wrap your arms around and share laughter and food with?
In my case, I was going to celebrate Passover with my parents for the first time in years.
It can be confusing to feel so much loss and longing when you’re also present to all the death and suffering right now.
Depending on your situation, you might be telling yourself that you SHOULD be grateful because so many others are so much more impacted.
Are you giving yourself a hard time that you’re having a hard time at all?
Open your heart to all of it.
Don’t dismiss your own longings just because you also have a lot to be grateful for.
That longing is a resource you have.
It’s an expression of love that can be fertilizer for the seeds of service you want to sprout in the world.
Here’s a practice to help you access the goodness from your longing.
Gratitude to my teacher Sarah Peyton, empathybrain.com, for this practice.
5 minute practice for Loneliness and Distance from Loved Ones During the Pandemic
Sit comfortably. Relax your face. Close your eyes if you feel comfortable doing that.
1. Bring to mind someone who loves you. It could be a real person or someone you imagine. It could be someone who is alive now, or someone who has died, maybe someone you knew when you were a child. It could be a spiritual teacher you’ve never met in person. Just think of someone who, if they saw you right now, would just be so happy to see you.
2. Imagine that person right here in the room with you. Where are they in relation to you? Do they come sit next to you? Do they stand behind you with their hands on your back, supporting you?
3. Let them see what’s on your heart right now. How do they respond? See if there are any words they have for you, or any gestures or touch. If you feel grief arising, that’s normal.
4. Let yourself savor the connection as long as you like. When you feel ready, thank them. Return to the room by opening your eyes and feeling the chair under you.
Other resources during quarantine
Sarah Peyton’s short daily videos: Greeting Ourselves with Resonance in a Pandemic
In case you missed it, here’s a recent post with 3 Tips for Quarantine Conversations.
Email me if you’d like to purchase the recording of Skills for Communicating in Quarantine.
Or maybe you finally have time to transform that relationship, or set those boundaries, or work on that project you’ve been postponing… I’m cheering you on! Email me if you want find out about one-on-one support from me.
Appreciating you and all the love that’s moving through you,